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Home » Forgot Your Xfinity Password? Resetting it is Easier than You Think

Forgot Your Xfinity Password? Resetting it is Easier than You Think

  • 2 min read

Remembering passwords can be a constant struggle, and your Xfinity account is no exception. If you’re locked out due to a forgotten password, worry not! This guide will walk you through the simple process of resetting your Xfinity password, incorporating valuable insights from Reddit and other online forums.

Before You Begin:

  • Gather your information: You’ll need your email address or Xfinity ID associated with your account.
  • Choose a strong password: Create a new password that’s complex and unique to avoid future security concerns.

Resetting Your Xfinity Password:

  1. Visit the Xfinity website: Go to in your web browser.
  2. Click “Sign In”: Locate the sign-in button on the homepage and click it.
  3. Click “Forgot Password?”: Underneath the password field, you’ll see a link that says “Forgot Password?”. Click on this link.
  4. Enter your information: Choose the method for recovering your password. You can either enter your email address or Xfinity ID in the designated field.
  5. Follow the instructions: Xfinity will send a recovery link to your email address or phone number (depending on your chosen method). Open the email or text message and click on the link.
  6. Create a new password: Enter your new password twice (once to create and again to confirm) and ensure it meets Xfinity’s password strength requirements.
  7. Save your password: Click “Save” to update your password and regain access to your Xfinity account.

Community-Sourced Tips:

  • Check your spam folder: If you haven’t received the password reset email within a reasonable timeframe, check your spam folder.
  • Use a password manager: Consider using a secure password manager to help you generate and store strong passwords for all your online accounts.
  • Contact Xfinity support: If you encounter any difficulties during the reset process, don’t hesitate to contact Xfinity customer support for further assistance.