Google today announced the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, its latest flagship smartphones. The two phones come with a number of hardware upgrades, including new displays, processors, and cameras. But the biggest news is that Google is promising seven years of software updates including Major OS, Google Feature Drops as well as Security updates for the Pixel 8 series.
This is a significant increase from the three years of OS updates that Google has offered for previous Pixel phones. It also exceeds the software support that other major Android manufacturers offer, such as Samsung and OnePlus.
Google says that the seven years of software updates will include OS updates, security patches, and Feature Drops. Feature Drops are smaller updates that bring new features and improvements to Pixel phones without requiring a full OS update.
The seven years of software support is a major selling point for the Pixel 8 series. It means that Pixel 8 owners can be confident that their phones will be supported for many years to come. This is important for security and performance reasons.
In addition to the seven years of software support, the Pixel 8 series also comes with a number of other features, including:
- New Tensor G3 chip with Titan M2 security chip
- Improved cameras with new Ultrawide and Telephoto lenses
- New displays with higher peak brightness levels
- More durable Gorilla Glass Victus 2
- Larger battery capacities
- New AI Features including Google Assistant with Bard (Google’s Version of ChatGPT)
- And AI Editing Features for Photos and Videos
The Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro will be available for preorder starting on October 6th and will be released on October 13th. Prices start at $699 for the Pixel 8 and $899 for the Pixel 8 Pro.
Analyst Reaction and YouTube Early Impressions
Analysts are generally positive about the Pixel 8 series, especially the seven years of software support.
“Google is setting a new standard for software support with the Pixel 8 series,” said analyst Dan Ives of Wedbush Securities. “This is a major win for Pixel owners and will help to keep their phones feeling fresh and secure for many years to come.”
“The Pixel 8 series is a significant upgrade over the previous generation,” said analyst Ming-Chi Kuo of TF Securities. “The new Tensor G3 chip, cameras, and displays are all top-notch. And the seven years of software support is icing on the cake.”
Overall, the Pixel 8 series is a strong offering from Google. With its powerful hardware, new features, and long software support, it is a compelling choice for Android buyers.